
Bagala Remote Community Bus

The nine-seater bus is classified as an official public transport service, and travels six days a week between Barunga, Beswick and Katherine. 

This unique service is funded by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and offers people a cost-efficient way to travel. The bus has the potential to employ four drivers part time and is a valuable source of employment for locals of the region. 

Our Service Time-Table

There are three bus stops: one in Barunga at the basketball courts, one in Beswick at the basketball courts and one in Katherine at the BP in the main street. According to the contract and regulations set by the Public Transport Act, the bus cannot stop anywhere other than the designated stops. No home drop offs for this service!

A key challenge will be helping the communities understand this isn’t like buses in the past, it has a specific route, runs to a timetable and has a ticketing system. All drivers have had extensive training in how to manage the rules of the bus, so the service is in line with the Public Transport Act.

Beswick Basketball Court

Beswick Leaves at 7:30AM and 11:30AM

Barunga Basketball court

Barunga Leaves at 8:15AM and 12:15PM

Katherine BP – fuel station

Katherine Leaves at 9:30AM and 3:30Pm